Lindsay Lohan needs professional help like whoa and wants to see a psychiatrist to keep her out of jail (and for her general well being), but reportedly lacks the money to do so.
Someone apparently doesn't have good health insurance.
"Lindsay is overwhelmed at the prospect of going back to jail and believes that a psychiatrist can help her through this trying time of her life," says a Lohan insider.
"However, Lindsay has a huge problem ... she literally has no money."
How is that possible, you ask? Well, the IRS seized her bank accounts for one … and the cost of therapy is expensive if you're hurting financially, which she is.
"Her health insurance would only pay about 20 percent of the mental health bills, and the doctors that she wants to see charge $250-300 an hour," the insider added.
Fair enough, but Lohan is said to have earned $2 MILLION over the past 12 months. Where does that money go? Isn't she working a lot? So many unanswered questions.
This news comes on the heels of a report that Lohan is so broke she can't pay $8,000 in rent - and money woes aren't the extent of her problems, either.
Lindsay's probation, related to her shoplifting conviction, was formally revoked last Wednesday morning, after she was charged with lying to cops after her June car crash.
"Prosecutors are going after Lindsay with a vengeance this time because of her flagrant disregard for the law," the source previously said of the 26-year-old actress.
"The LA City Attorney's office will present evidence to Commissioner Jane Godfrey that Lindsay has a long storied history of lying to cops and of general lack of respect."
Lindsay's agents and managers "just wish she would have taken these steps to take accountability for her life before her back was against the wall. Lindsay is her own worst enemy."
Her spiritual adviser will pen a letter urging a judge to sentence her to counseling instead of eight months in jail … but if she can't pay for it, what's the point?
Jail's rent free, as far as we know. Taxpayer dollars at work, babe!
Lindsay Lohan: Lock 'er up?
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