Rielle Hunter was eviscerated on The View yesterday as the gabfest panel, in particular Whoopi Goldberg, went nuclear on John Edwards' mistress.
"In your book, you trash a dead lady," Goldberg stated, referring to Rielle Hunter's new tell-all book, in which she bashes Elizabeth Edwards often.
"That was kind of crappy."
Regarding What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter and Me, the author responded, "I wrote to tell the truth. I was truthful about their dynamic."
In the interview, Hunter acknowledged that despite recent photos of the happy family on a North Carolina beach, she broke up with John Edwards.
Asked if the split was caused by her memoir, Rielle dodged. "I don't want to hide any more," she said. "It's hard under media scrutiny, it takes a toll."
The mother of Edwards' love child spent a good part of the interview defending herself. "I'm not a mistress, I'm a mom," Rielle Hunter insisted.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck wasn't buying it: "Truth be told, you were a mistress."
Even Barbara Walters piled it on, saying she had a "bone to pick" with Hunter for accusing Walters of "bullying" after Rielle's interview with Oprah.
"I have no idea what you mean by that," Walters said. "I've done thousands of interviews and I've never bullied or screamed at anyone."
"I've made people cry, but I've never screamed."
"It's not the first time, and it won't be the last, that people remember things differently," replied Hunter, who may want to skip The View on her next PR tour.
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