Halloween is just around the corner, but if you still haven't figured out a costume, worry not - we've got your covered.
You can always check out our list of unorthodox "sexy" Halloween costumes, if you want to got the revealing route. Of course, if the cat ears and underwear look isn't for you, why not just steal an idea from a celebrity?
Now, you'll want to be careful about who you draw inspiration from on this list.
For example, Rihanna did some sort of sexy zombie thing last year, but that's not the kind of thing most people can pull off. As a rule, rotting flesh isn't sexy.
Oh, and when we mentioned Nicki Minaj in the headline, we meant the celebrity who went as Nicki Minaj.
We can't stress this enough: if you wear Nicki Minaj's Halloween costume from last year, you will get arrested for indecent exposure.
As for the guys - yes, Tom Brady dressed as the Cowardly Lion, but that's really the kind of thing you can only get away with if you have three Super Bowl rings or, like...you were on Seal Team 6 or something.
For the average dude, we recommend sticking to something that's more like your regular wardrobe. Like when Kanye West went as Batman. It was perfect, because he dresses in all black and wears a mask on a typical Tuesday.
And, as always, don't even attempt anything worn by Heidi Klum. As the only person with multiple entries on our list, Heidi is officially the queen of Halloween.
We have no idea how she's that hot the other 364