A California judge has ordered Chris Brown to stay two more months in the Malibu rehab center where he is being treated for anger management issues.
Doctors have diagnosed the R&B singer with PTSD and bipolar disorder, conditions which they say could be deeply connected to his violent past.
They say he is making great progress while becoming less impulsive, though the process is ongoing. As such, the judge sent him back for at least two more months.
Although a report reviewed by the judge says the singer "is happy with the program," Brown seemed disappointed in court by the judge's decision.
His stay has been extended, though, whether he likes it or not.
"It is evident that [Brown] has responded well" to the treatment, a probation officer wrote to the court, with one major caveat considering his troubled history.
The positive turn "has occurred only recently," the report said, and the court should be cautious about releasing him; he should also stay on probation until November.
Chris Brown, 24, was placed on five years' probation in 2009 for his attack on his then-girlfriend Rihanna just hours before the Grammy Awards that year.
Those five years have been tumultuous, to say the least.
Most recently, he was sentenced in November to three months of in-patient rehab after being charged with misdemeanor assault in a fight in Washington D.C.
Because his probation has been revoked as a result, he's at the mercy of the court here; Brown could be jailed on the spot but was instead sent to rehab.
The judge in Los Angeles could further penalize the singer if he ends up being convicted in the D.C. case, which goes to trial April 17, or any other crimes.
Whether it comes to that remains an open question.

1. Chris Brown Smoking Weed
Chris Brown smoking weed - 3 joints at the same time no less. What a class act as always.
3. Beat Women, Not Animals
Words to live by from a Chris Brown meme right here ladies and gentlemen.
4. Chris Brown Virginity
Chris Brown says he lost his virginity at age eight. And is a beast at sex as a result.
5. Chris Brown Smoking Photo
Chris Brown has himself a cigarette. Smoking is a thing that he does from time to time.
7. Rihanna Beaten Face Poster
This is one way to advertise a Chris Brown concert. Point, Stockholm, Sweden.
9. Chris Brown RAGE!
Chris Brown has that rage in his eyes again. Okay, it's just during his performance at the Billboard Music Awards, but still.
13. Chris Brown, Rihanna: Thug Life
Chris Brown and Rihanna are here to wish you a Merry Christmas .... Thug Life style.
14. Chris Brown: Terrorist
Chris Brown is a terrorist ... for Halloween, at least. Check out dude's costume.
16. Chris Brown Shirtless Picture
Chris Brown shirtless. And looking like kind of a douche. A ripped douche, but still douchey.
17. Champagne Shower
Chris Brown is about to produce a champagne shower like no other. Karrueche Tran, get ready.
18. Chris Brown, Champagne
Chris Brown is a class act, as demonstrated by this photo of him at the club. Champagne showers, anyone? From Chris Brown's mouth?
19. Chris Brown Shirtless Pic
Chris Brown partying without a shirt at W.I.P. nightclub in New York. Not long after this pic was taken, crazy stuff went down.
20. Chris Brown Twitpic
Chris Brown was hurt in a fight with Drake's entourage. Yes, he actually got into a fight with guys for once.
21. Contemplative Chris
Chris Brown contemplates life as he sees it. This is just before he reportedly flew into a blinding rage behind the scenes of Good Morning America.
According to a letter from the facility treating Brown, he has a very regimented life in rehab, waking at 5 a.m. every morning at the Malibu, Ca., location.
He does 24 hours a week of community service as well as six to eight therapy sessions per week, during which he attends to get to the root of his problems.
With his team of clinicians and doctors, he continues to "address his bipolar diagnosis, anger management, post-traumatic stress disorder and past substance abuse."
The letter says Brown "continues to make great strides" but needs "intense individual, family and medical follow-up over the next year so he can sustain the changes."
It also says that going forward, Brown needs to continue close supervision by his doctor "to ensure his bipolar mental health condition remains stable."
"It is not uncommon for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and Bipolar II to use substances to self-medicate their biochemical mood swings and trauma triggers."
The doctors feel Brown is "aggressive and acts out physically due to untreated mental health disorder, severe sleep deprivation, inappropriate self-medicating and untreated PTSD."
He also recently claimed to have lost his virginity at age 8. So there's that. Clearly, whatever environment he was brought up in did not help matters here.
Despite all of his legal troubles, Brown is learning how to control his anger and he is recognizing the error in trying to treat his problems with substance abuse.
If Brown continues on his current path, he can "become the positive role model in society that we believe he truly desires to be," the report concludes.
Chris Brown: Can he be a changed man after rehab?

1. Rihanna and Chris Brown
Rihanna and Chris Brown dated for two decent chunks of time, the first of which ending after he beat her senseless. Never a good sign. Nor was taking him back after that, but she's moved on with Drake ... thank goodness. Good luck, Karrueche!
2. Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil
Perhaps the most lethal of any love we've ever seen, Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil abused drugs so fervently that she could never recover from that viscious cycle, passing away at age 27. He, meanwhile, ended up locked up for a long time.
3. Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva
Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva weren't together long, and for good reason. These two went nuclear on each other ... well mostly him on her voicemail.
4. Jessica Simpson and John Mayer
Jessica Simpson and John Mayer equals sexual napalm. That's never healthy. Only sexual.
5. Ronnie Magro-Ortiz and Sammi Giancola
Ronnie and Sammi from Jersey Shore. These two need no introduction. Just clips of them brawling. Of which there are plenty.
6. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had a long love affair that involved him taking her virginity and a whole lot of partying and frequent breakups, fights and general emotional turmoil. It's possible it wasn't meant to be. And by possible we mean obvious.
7. Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley
Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley of Teen Mom fame were fighting more often than not. Often, things even got physical between the on-off couple, and it was scary.
8. Lauren Conrad and Jason Wahler
Lauren Conrad and Jason Wahler break up on The Hills. It was a frequent sight. Very frequent.
9. Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi
The Bachelor couples rarely stand the test of time, but Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi were doomed from the start. Reliver their amazing public breakup and you will see why.
10. Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers
Jenelle Evans and Courtland Rogers, who are still technically married, were only together as a couple for a few months ... during which she aborted his baby and both were arrested for heroin possession and assault. They also feuded on Twitter a lot - even by her standards. Not healthy.
11. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were married two years and had sex at least that many times, as evidenced by their two sons. How in the world did these two ever get married? Okay, we can grasp why K-Fed married her (see photo). Just not the reverse ...
12. Kim Kardashian and Ray J
Ray J hit it first, and he filmed it. The XXX-rated Kim Kardashian marked the end of the duo's relationship, though it catapulted her to fame, making it a net positive, we suppose. Ray then relased a song CALLED "I Hit it First," which is just hilarious.
13. Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas
Taylor Swift has had a lot of boyfriends and a lot of breakups. Joe Jonas is the only one to dispatch her via voicemail, however.
14. Farrah Abraham and James Deen
Okay, it was a fake relationship that she tried to pretend led to a leaked sex tape that was actually just a porno. But still, Farrah Abraham and James Deen simply DID NOT WORK as a couple.
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