The Real Housewives of Miami gave us some "Uncomfortably Public Relations" as Karent hosts the dinner party from Hell. We recap all of the tears and tirades in our THG +/- review.
Everyone is fussing and feuding in Miami but at the Krupa residence they're trying to mend fences.
Marta moves back into Joanna and Romain's. Joanna missed her sister and Romain missed their fights. Actually when Marta asks to stay out of the couple's drama Romain says, "You are always there. You're like my balls in between my legs." Minus 13. How charming. I expected more of you Romain.
Adriana seems to be putting off conflict. She visits her fiance's boat and it's still very much a work in progress. This could take years…which is just fine with Adriana since she agreed to get married once it's completed to her standards. Minus 10 because I don't think either will ever happen.
The ladies attend the Lisa Pliner shoe fashion show for a wonderful afternoon of delicious cocktails and ridiculously high heels and it's the first time they've gotten together since Alexia's party.
Minus 11 to Ana for bashing Karent for acting as though nothing is wrong. What does she want her to do? Ana doesn't like her. That's not going to change.
Lorne Foster, described as a transgender socialite starts bashing on drag queen Elaine Lancaster's wardrobe and in the spirit of the old adage, if you've got nothing nice to say come sit next to me, she quickly seeks out Marysol.
Elaine arrives and plus 9 for never blending into the background. That hair is just…Wow! I don't think I've ever seen hair that big. And as Elaine warned us in this exclusive THG interview, her feud with Marysol is far from over.
Lisa Pliner tells Elaine that Marysol's been bashing her once again which sends Elaine on a tirade. Elaine tells Marysol to stop trying to bully her and I had to laugh when Marysol responded with, "Does it look like I could bully you?" Plus 8. I know bullying doesn't necessarily have to do with size but Elaine in those heels and wig is pretty damned intimidating.
Marysol takes off, not wanting the confrontation but Ana may be right. Maybe the only way to put this thing to rest is to just have it out and say her peace.
For once Karent's thrilled the drama isn't all about her…but how long will that last?
What is it about Thomas Kramer that everyone seems to flock to him? Is it the money? Minus 20. I'm with Ana on this one. The guy comes off like a misogynistic ass.
The penis and boob aprons I could write off as equal opportunity poor taste but then you begin to see the pattern. His comments over dinner are equally tasteless.
Minus 22 to Karent for laughing when Thomas joked about Romain cheating on Joanna. Maybe it was just a bad joke but Karent laughing at it made it that much worse.
Then before you know it Thomas is yelling at almost everyone. Ana, Joanna, Lea, Elsa. I think the only reason he tolerated Lisa was because she got up and did an impromptu pole dance for him.
Ana calls him "the bacteria who feeds on pond scum." but in reality I think he's just a nut and a control freak which means I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him this season.
Episode total = -59! &
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