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The Real Housewives of Miami Recap: Blowouts in Bimini >>Hollywood

Diposting oleh blog on Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

The Real Housewives of Miami are "Surrounded by Hot Water" of their own making as we recap the gossip and tears in our THG +/- review.

We're back to Bimini Bay in the Bahamas and even in the rain it is gorgeous. Plus 20. If you're determined to screech at one another, it pays to have a beautiful location to do it in.

Beat Up on Karent Day

Karent wonders why the girls are so fixated on her relationship.  Good question.  Plus 10.  

Lea says she wants to help but that's bull.  She doesn't like how Karent reacts to the drama and she can't let it go. Minus 13. Lea simply doesn't understand that Karent doesn't need her approval.  

Karent finally fights back when she tells Lea she's so pushy that it's "no wonder Roy does whatever you want."  Plus 11  for calling Lea out. That should happen more often.

And for once, I agree with Elsa. Why dredge up all the gossip?  It's no body's business and these girls should really be more careful.  There's plenty of gossip out there to go around.

Alexia swears she won't talk about Karent's relationship issues ever again. Plus 15 but does anyone believe that?

Did anyone else notice that Marysol was sleeping on the sofa?  Minus 10. Aren't there enough beds between two houses?

Lisa's heartbroken over not being able to start a family and confides in Lea who is surprisingly compassionate. Lea tells her that everything in life that's worth having is worth fighting for. Plus 20. That's probably the smartest thing she's ever said.

Over cocktails and conch salad the light dawns on Marysol and she finally realizes she needs to move on and get that divorce. Plus 22  Can Marysol pass Ana that rum drink so she can have the same epiphany?

Suddenly things take a serious turn when Karent gets word that her father was taken to the hospital due to problems with his pacemaker.  Karent just wants to go home but there are no flights out tonight.  Minus 20.  

Joanna and Lisa seem to think that Alexia will believe Karent's upset about her gossip. I'm with Karent. Who gives a damn what Alexia thinks?

As Marysol, Ana, and Alexia continue to bash Karent, Lea turns the tables and goes after Marysol.  Plus 8. At least we got to hear a different argument on this trip.

The game of ping pong that ensues obviously goes in Lea's favor as she hits Marysol with a list of grievances.  Is Lea truly in the right or is it that she's just loud and authoritative?  Marysol's so mousy by comparison that it's really hard to tell.

But I had to agree with Ana when she asked, "Can we bury the dead horse that we've beat to death." Plus 7. I'll even bring the shovel.

Lea finally agrees to put the past aside and move on. Plus 13.  Hugs all around. Until the next battle begins.

Episode total = +93!&nbs

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