Previously on The Real Housewives of Orange County, Vicki invited Alexis to a party at Tamra's new gym. Because nothing says "let's be friends again" like inviting your former friend's worst enemy to a party.
Oh, Vicki.
What else will Lady Gunvalson stir up? Read our THG +/- recap to find out now!
Alexis comes to visit Vicki and gives her a little Rah Rah about her plastic surgery. And a mirror so she'll always know how beautiful she is. Okay, okay, it's kind of sweet. Plus 4.
Vicki drops the bomb on Alexis that she wants Alexis to come to the party at Tamra's with her. When Vicki says she needs Alexis there, Alexis' tone changes. Alexis wants to bring Lydia so Vicki texts Tamra to find out if that's okay.
Tamra's response: "Yeah. I just don't want any nonsense. This is supposed to be a happy time."
Just to recap, Alexis agrees to go to a party where she knows she's not really wanted and asks to bring a guest. Minus 8.
Heather's got a gig on a talk radio station. She filling in for one of their regulars to try and figure out how big the career piece of her life puzzle is. Plus 5.
Heather decides to tackle the topic of bullying on her radio show since she's been accused of bullying Alexis. Heather tells the story of how she was bullied growing up and says that what happened to Alexis wasn't bullying.
Lydia and Alexis are getting the kids together to decorate cookies. Lydia answers the door in a skirt so short her butt is actually hanging out of it. Or maybe those are shorts?
While they're outside, Lydia tells Alexis about her meeting with Heather. Someone needs to make a gif of Alexis drinking her coffee when Lydia tells her that she knows about Cubic Zirconia-gate. Plus 4 to the person who makes that happen.
Back at Casa Dubrow, Terry's tired and doesn't want to go out to dinner with Doug and Lydia. The Dubrows are still angling for the magazine cover, but Doug lets them down and Terry cracks a joke. Heather's not amused.
Heather says they're not interested and Lydia seems bummed.
Lydia tells the table that her mother just moved into Alexis' old house and conversation eventually turns to the fact that Lydia will be at the party at Tamra's gym as a guest of Alexis. Heather's so great under pressure. Plus 5.
Slade is headed to New York to be with his son who is having another surgery. Gretchen breaks down when she thinks about how hard this is for Slade.
Tamra's getting ready for her party when Eddie comes in. She asks for advice about her dress and then snaps at him. Misplaced aggression, party of one! Minus 5
She's upset that she said yes to Alexis being welcome at her party and hopes she will be able to keep her cool.
Tamra bought special wine glasses for Gretchen and Heather but not for any of the other guests at her party. That's sure to go over well. Minus 8.
Lydia's a "woohoo" girl. Just like Vicki. Minus 10.
Tamra decides that Lydia is guilty by association despite the fact that Heather tries to stick up for her.
Tamra has a psychic medium come over to cleanse and bless her space. The psychic feels like there will be 6 weeks until the gym is open instead of 4 and then says that the night will be smooth. Something tells me she's not the real deal.
Vicki, Lydia, and Alexis walk in and no one gets up to greet them. Heather tells Alexis it's nice to see her and Alexis immediately calls her a phony in a one-on-one. Minus 7.
She gives her peace offering to Tamra and says that businesswoman to businesswoman she wishes Tamra the best. Plus 10.
Tamra takes the ladies over to the renderings of the gym and explains what things will look like once it's all set up and things seem to be going smoothly. Until they all sit down again.
Alexis says "it takes a lot! Even a small dress line. It takes a lot!" Minus 15.
Lydia thinks the room feels tense and like it's clear that she, Alexis, and Vicki aren't welcome to sit with the "cool" girls.
Conversation is so awkward and stilted as Lydia starts grilling Gretchen on whether she has kids or is married or has a boyfriend. Gretchen says she's got a boyfriend who is a great man and Vicki looks like she smelled something foul. Minus 12.
Tamra starts talking about the area and how she likes it because it's industrial and Vicki interrupts with "it's across the street from my office!" Minus 8. Gretchen starts muttering under her breath that it's all about Vicki again.
Vicki does have a habit of doing that.
Tamra asks about Troy and Vicki says "I've got a baby now!" Gretchen says "You've got a baby?" And Vicki mutters "She's a stupid person." Minus 8.
Heather looks so, so uncomfortable during the entire exchange and then asks if dinner's ready.
Vicki thanks Tamra for letting her bring Alexis and Tamra asks, in the spirit of honesty, why Alexis wanted to come. Once Alexis starts talking, she doesn't stop. She's all "bullying" and "ganging up on me" and "y'all are mean!" Minus 50.
Heather doesn't say a word to Alexis and Alexis even starts in on Heather.
Tamra says she felt she was gracious for even allowing Alexis to step foot in her space. Heather tries to have a conversation and Alexis keeps yelling over her. Tamra tries to give Heather the floor but Alexis tells her to butt out. Minus 25.
And that leads Tamra to tell Alexis to get the f*** out.
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