Kanye West hates the paparazzi. Hard.
This is not news, as evidenced most recently by him exploding at a cameraman yesterday over basically nothing. But why the incredibly short fuse?
'Ye vowed to have a more peaceful relationship with the media after his camera-smashing incident at LAX way back in 2008, and for a time he did.
Until he got serious with Kim Kardashian.
Sources close to the egomaniac rapper say he feels that when cameramen ask him inappropriate questions about their relationship in public, it crosses the line.
Seriously. Even though he knowingly got with and impregnated Kim Kardashian of all people, this behavior is both surprising and unacceptable to him.
The breaking point? In October 2012, when a paparazzo in Miami asked Kimye if they would be inviting Kris Humphries and Reggie Bush to their wedding.
Then this spring, he was similarly asked if Ray J - the man who hit it first and catapulted her to fame - would be attending Kimberly's baby shower.
Unnecessary, sure, but pretty harmless, yeah?
Not for 'Ye. Since then, he's been on the warpath against anyone with a camera, getting verbally and even physical when people talk to him.
Things escalated back in May when he walked into a pole and went NUTS at the paps there to film that flub, and have gotten testier still ever since.
Which is odd, in a way, since if he'd just keep his head down (while watching out for street signs of course), he might get a lot less crap from people.
He gets SO upset if people try to engaged him, but he's playing right into their hand. Maybe he should take his own advice and DON'T EVER TALK!!!!
Right? What's your take on this?
Kanye West rage issues:
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