Little kids are the best. Today's evidence of this proven fact? A list of 30 "boyfriend rules" written by sisters Blaire and Brooke, ages six and nine respectively:

1. 30 Boyfriend Rules
This little kid has already figured out 30 essential rules any potential boyfriend must abide by. Take heed!
2. Elementary School Love Letter
This elementary school love letter, and the recipient's response, tells you all there is to know about love among the single-digit set.
3. Kid's Insane Christmas Letter
Drew Magary's daughter wrote an insane Christmas list. He wrote an insanely hilarious response.
4. Dear Santa Amazon Letter
A kid wrote the full Amazon URL on his Dear Santa letter. In crayon. He's dedicated.
5. Stinky Kid Note
Check out this note written by a Buffalo, N.Y., teacher with regard to the alleged stinky nature of the kids in her class.
6. Kid Poem About Sister
This little kid wants his sister out of the house, as this poetry makes abundantly clear.
7. #1 Dad Note
An adorable note written from a 12-year-old to the single man who adopted him. It brings a tear to your eye ...
9. Kid Writes Get Well Note
This kid's get well note for his teacher is chock full of helpful advice.
There is no boyfriend in the picture, specifically. But Blaire's mom says she is "absolutely boy crazy" and thinks of Justin Bieber as her future boyfriend.
We'll forgive Blaire that, assuming she hasn't seen those Justin Bieber stripper photos. Her older sister, however, sees the writing on the wall with Justin.
She says Blaire's future beau "should be someone better than Bieber and not always getting in trouble." Hence, they came up with this list. Pretty great.
Gotta give the girls credit for cutting to the case. Who needs cheesy love notes and romantic overtures? Just get right to the dos and don'ts of dating.
They're already looking long-term, too. "Not living with parents," a.k.a. rule #4, would eliminate all of Blaire's current peers, as would #29 on the list.
Liking what you do for a living
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