They don't know the meaning of WTF or LOL.
They accidentally talk about sleeping with their own kin and they can't locate the space bar on their keypads.
Sometimes, it seems as if mothers simply should not be permitted to use their cell phones at all.
But then we'd be deprived of amazingly awkward examples of them trying to do so, such as the ones posted here, which include classic uses of Auto Correct and even more classic misunderstandings over how Google works.
Scroll around now and, admit it, your mom would totally make these mistakes, wouldn't she?

1. WTF Fail
Well, this is a fantastic example of generation confusion.

2. LOL Fail
No, parents everywhere. LOL does not stand for "Lots of Love." Not at all.

3. Change Google!
What? Don't all kids have the power to change the Google logo?

4. Spacing Out
If only there were a space bar or some obvious way to make a space between words...

5. Sink Poop?
This mother is very concerned about her child pooping in the sink. Not exactly. But still.

6. Do You Do Drugs?!?
This mother thinks her son does drugs... and then figures he might need some money anyway.

7. Gum in Her Puss
No, thank you. No one wants to chew gum this badly.

8. A Pornographic Mother?
PHEW. Thank you for clearing up that confusion.

9. Mistaken But Supportive
You're gay? You're coming home? Either way, we love you!

10. Sex Advice
We mean, this isn't the worst advice in the world...

11. #Fail
Some day, parents may understand the use of hashtags. Maybe. Possible. But likely not.

12. That's a Penis!
Penises and aliens are VERY different things, moms around the world.

13. Going to Space
Just stop. Just put down the phone and move away.

14. Careful with Your Dick
Really, one should not shake one's drink OR one's dick too hard.

15. Are You There?!?
We've gotta give this mother props. This is how you get your child to respond to a text!

16. Twi-Mom Alert!
This mother wins the Internet. It's as simple as that.

17. TMI!!!!!
We're pretty sure the phrase "TMI" was invented for this text message alone.

18. Brother Banging
This darn phone just scarred a child for life.

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