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Jimmy Kimmel Presents The Kardahsian Konquest: The Taking of America >>Hollywood

Diposting oleh blog on Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Jimmy Kimmel can't fight it any longer. And, really, neither should we.

On last night's episode of this comedian's talk show, the host gave in and admitted: Kim, Kourtney and Khloe pretty much run the universe. 

To drive this depressing point home, Kimmel showed viewers a trailer for a phony PBS special documentary "The Kardahsian Konquest: The Taking Of America," which chronicles every city the clan has "taken."

Up next, for example, Khloe and Kourtney are taking the Hamptons.

"Their furious march for domination continued, taking town after town, basketball player after basketball player, until the Kanye West was won," recounted a narrator.

Hilarious stuff. Watch now:

Yes, we've included this among our favorite recent segments on Jimmy Kimmel Live, along the show getting kids to curse on the street:

18 Jimmy Kimmel Live Moments That Crack Our Funny Bone
Inspired by a very funny YouTube video of a kid listing all of the bad words he knows ... Jimmy Kimmel asks mor kids if they know any naughty words.
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The Kardahsian Konquest: The Taking Of America

19. The Kardahsian Konquest: The Taking Of America

The Ka

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