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Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton Nude Photos to Be Displayed in Art Exhibit: For Real! >>Hollywood

Diposting oleh blog on Kamis, 04 September 2014

Many believe the ongoing celebrity cell phone hacking of 2014 shouldn't be treated as a mere sex photo leak, but as a full-on sex CRIME.

But the folks behind Cory Allen Contemporary Art clearly do not feel that way, as the company has announced that the latest pictures of Jennifer Lawrence nude and Kate Upton nude will be placed on display in a new art exhibit.


  • Jennifer Lawrence in France
  • Kate Upton at Movie Screening

Los Angeles artist will be responsible for the seemingly untoward idea, XVALA.

He'll include these naked shots of Lawrence and Upton as part of his "Fear Google" campaign and put them up, unaltered, in his upcoming show "No Delete" next month at CACA's The Showroom in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

"XVALA appropriating celebrity compromised images and the overall 'Fear Google' campaign has helped strengthen the ongoing debate over privacy in the digital era," said publicist Cory Allen.

"The commentary behind this show is a reflection of who we are today. We all become 'users' and in the end, we become 'used.'"

The life-size leaked images will be printed on canvas.

The totally exploitive exhibit will feature the artist's seven-year collection of shots found on Google of stars in their most vulnerable and intimate moments, one comprised by hackers or the paparazzi.

It will include the infamous Britney Spears' shaved head moment, along the leaked images of Scarlett Johansson naked, with the "Fear Google" logo covering her private parts.

In today's culture, everybody wants to know everything about everybody. An individual's privacy has become everyone else's business," said XVALA.  "It has become cash for cache."

He actually said this unironically.

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