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Duck Dynasty Season Finale Recap: That is One Giant Beaver! >>Hollywood

Diposting oleh blog on Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

It's the fourth season finale of A&E's Duck Dynasty, which is as sad a fact as there is in the TV world. But at least the finale revolves around Halloween.

Or as Willie put it, the only holiday where it's socially acceptable to "eat candy and scare the crap out of little kids." Truer words have never been spoken.

To that end, the Robertsons turn the warehouse into the Duck Commander Scare House for the kids in the area, then dress up in costume to freak 'em out.

With the Scare House just about open for business, Jessica and Jep show up as Raggedy Ann and Andy, complete with a little dance they practiced.

"I have now found a new low for manhood," Jase says, having already proclaimed, "Grown men getting excited about dressing up, that's just weird."

Phil, while not a big fan of "pagan holidays," finds Halloween somewhat tolerable because cupcakes are involved, and carves pumpkins with the grandkids.

He also likens removing the innards to gutting a duck, and enhances one of the kids' creation with a blast from a shotgun to make it more "scary."

Si ranges through a trio of costumes as the episode goes on, dressing up as chainsaw-wielding ... Si, an iced tea-drinking ghost and a giant beaver.

He settles on the giant beaver as the scariest, the one he will wear in the Scare House, explaining, "It ain't about the costume. It's about the attitude."

Fortunately, Phil didn't mistake him for his real beaver nemesis and shoot him on the spot, so we'll consider the night a success for good ol' Silas.

There was also an attempt to get Si to reenact Michael Jackson's famous "Thriller" video. This went about as you would expect such a stunt would.

The kids are frightened by the finished product, and Jase even gets into the spirit a little by hiding under a table to scare Willie, so Halloween is a home run.

Willie observes in his closing monologue that "the best part of Halloween is that everyone gets to come together, not only as a family, but as a community."

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