Kittens. Kids. It's ON ... and it's like straight up Hunger Games in this video montage, with the children's parents content to watch and film the carnage.
Hey, why intervene and pull the plug on free entertainment?
After all, cats fight back when provoked, and kids are kids. Generally kind but clueless as to how their actions impact others, they will piss you off at times.
The result? A volatile mashup of encounters between human offspring and the furry felines who cohabitate with them. Watch some classic kid vs. cat fights below ...
Fortunately, no one was badly hurt in the above compilation.
The parents who sat around and thought to themselves "oh, I need to get this on YouTube" instead of breaking it up should be especially grateful for this.
In their defense, there was nothing they could do in some of these cases. Cats are like ninjas, lurking silently and stealthily waiting for the moment to strike.
Once that moment arrives, BAM. Straight up choke slam! That woman who kicked snow on a cat knows what we're talking about, only she asked for it.
Check out more crazy cat videos after the jump ...

1. Cat Licks Vacuum Cleaner, Holds it Like Bong
Check out this awesome video of a cat licking a vacuum cleaner, and holding it like a bong.
2. Cat Attacks Woman in Snow
You gotta see what happens when this woman kicks snow in a cat's face. It doesn't end well for her.
3. Cat and Owner Play Peekaboo
A cat and his owner play Peekaboo in this video. Could anything be cuter?
6. Kittens vs. Kids
A fight montage of kittens taking on little kids ... while adults stand around filming it.
7. Cat Loves Ice Cream!
This cat loves licking this ice cream cone. Watch him enjoy it for 90 solid seconds now.
8. Cats Steal Beds, Dogs Get Pissed
Cats sometime steal beds from their fellow pets. And when this happens, dogs get angry and confused.
9. Shark Cat Rides Roomba
A cat dressed like a shark rides around on a Roomba in this video. There's not much else to say about it.
10. Mean Cats - Mean Girls Parody!
This awesome parody of Mean Girls is reenacted by cats. MEAN Cats!
11. Cats Who Hate Christmas
A mashup of grinch cats who hate the holidays ... or at least cause a lot of holiday-themed trouble.
13. Cat Reacts to Balloon
HA! This video cracks us up. Watch now as a cat reacts to his owner carrying a balloon.
14. Hot Guys, Cats Modeling
Shirtless men and the cats the emulate their hot model poses ... a photo essay.
15. Mother Cat With Kitten
Cat Mother and kitten bonding baby talk in a video that will make your heart melt.
16. Cat Plays with Dog's Tail
A cat plays with a dog's wagging tail in this video. It is the cutest thing you'll watch all week.
17. Cat and Dog Team Up: Let's Escape!
A cat and a dog team up in this hilarious video. They are intent on escaping! Watch now.
18. Cat Chases Fox Away
Most cats get chased by the local dog on a daily basis, but in Allendale, Michigan, it’s a fox that gets the run around from a cat.
19. Meet the Cat with the World's Longest Hair
Say hello to Colonel Meow. He has longer hair than any cat in the whole wide world.
20. Dogs and Cats Who Need a Nap
These pets really need to catch some zzz's. Check it out and try not to "awwww" too loudly.
21. Cats Puking To Techno
Cats. Puking. To techno music. Sometimes a video classic speaks for itself. BARFFFFFFF!
22. Two-Headed Cat Born in Oregon
A kitten with two heads is alive and well in Oregon. Really! See for yourself here.
23. Cat Attacks Cardboard Cat
This real-life cat attacks a series of cardboard cats on this hilarious viral video. Watch now!
24. Nyan Cat!
Nyan Cat is one of the more popular Internet memes of recent years. We have no idea why.
31. Cat Refuses Affection
This cat's owner loves it so much. But the cat is just not having any overtures of affection.
32. Univision Weather Cat
A cat randomly wanders across the weather report Live on Univision ... pretty awesome.
34. Cat Tries, Fails to Drink Water
This cat is not your most efficient water drinker, but he gets the job done enough.
35. Cat Playing Shell Game
This cat is pretty darn good at the shell game. Two out of three? Better than most humans!
36. Pet the Cat. Now.
This Scottish Fold cat makes it clear what its owners role is. Pet the cat. Now.
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