It's like the opposite of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant is happening in Brazil.
A woman walked into the Women's Hospital in Cabo Frio claiming to be 41 weeks pregnant. When doctors couldn't locate a heartbeat, they rushed her to an operating room to perform a c-section only to find there was no baby at all.
The woman wasn't pregnant. She had, apparently, altered her prenatal testing because she was convinced they were all wrong.

Upon arriving at the hospital and appearing pregnant, she complained of being in pain and suffering nausea. She had documentation proving she'd been seen by midwives throughout the duration of her pregnancy to back up her claim that she was, in fact, pregnant.
Except she wasn't.
The woman's husband states that this is the second time in a year she has claimed she was pregnant and in both cases, she's been, well, not pregnant.
The doctors are calling this a case of "phantom pregnancy" and released the woman to a mental health facility for psychiatric treatment.
Phantom pregnancies sometimes occur when women who desperately want to be pregnant convince themselves that they are, in fact, pregnant. Their bodies release hormones which cause them to gain weight in their midsection and sometimes their bodies will even begin to produce milk.
This isn't the only case of phantom pregnancy to come out of Brazil in the last year.
Layane Santos, 19, arrived at a hospital in Sao Paulo complaining of abdominal pain and blood loss. When she woke up from her c-section, she was told that she had never been pregnant, despite the ultrasounds and prenatal care
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