Jenelle Evans finds out she is pregnant again on Teen Mom Season 5 Episode 11. Of course, this comes as a surprise to no one now ... but congratulations!!
We think. You don't even need to watch Teen Mom 2 online to know that she's a bit of a mess, and despite making some progress remains a loose cannon.
Can she keep it together this time? And what other hardships are Leah Messer, Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska coping with regarding kids and family?
Come along for our recap and let's find out, shall we?!
Jenelle Evans is pregnant by Nathan Griffith. We've known this for many months, but this episode marks the big reveal. No doubt, it is a joyous one.
Unlike the last pregnancy she aborted (sorry, Courtland Rogers), she is sure wants this one, and says it will bring her closer together with Nathan.
Not exactly a good reason to have one, but they're stoked. When he throws her up in the air and chants "We're having a baby!" it is pretty sweet.
A sonogram shows the baby is healthy and happy inside Jenelle Evans' body. Now for the tough part. No, not the delivery. Telling Barbara Evans.
Tough cookie that she is, Babs airs her concerns right away that if Jenelle and Nathan don't work out, she'll end up taking care of a second baby.
Jenelle promises that no matter what, she wants to raise this one on her own, unlike Jace. Both she and her mom are hoping for a girl this time. Aww.
Later, she and Nathan discuss their relationship and how having a baby will affect it, and of course, this turns into an argument. It's a bit uncomfortable.
Jenelle tells Nathan that he tries too hard to be perfect; he tries to explain that he wants to be perfect. Well, yeah. That's typically how it works.
Think these two are on good enough footing to make this work?
Will Jenelle Evans go to jail over this fight with Britany Truett? It's certainly a possibility.
2. Jenelle Beats Up Britany
Jenelle Evans goes to TOWN on Britany Truett. Talk about a whomping!
3. Jenelle Evans Fights Roommate on Teen Mom 2
Jenelle Evans throws down with her roommate and her boyfriend at the same time on this insane moment from the January 24, 2012 episode of Teen Mom 2.
4. The Abortion
Jenelle drops the biggest bombshell of all in the Teen Mom 2 Season 5 premiere: That she had an abortion with Courtland Rogers' baby.
5. Kieffah
Kieffah. She could never quit Kieffah.
6. Jenelle Evans Sonogram
The abortion was real alright. Courtland Rogers got her pregnant. Now she's pregnant again, by Nathan Griffith, and keeping this one.
7. Jenelle Evans Hospitalized
Jenelle Evans was rushed to the hospital Monday for emergency surgery on her appendix.
8. Jenelle Evans Mug Shot (May 2013)
One of so many Jenelle Evans mug shots.
9. Jenelle Evans Mug Shot (April 2013)
Seriously. There are so many we don't even remember what each arrest was for.
10. Jenelle Evans Mugshots
Enough said.
11. Jenelle Evans Teen Mom 2 Montage
A montage of some of Jenelle's "high" lights from Teen Mom 2's early years.
12. Jenelle Evans Nude Photo
Gotta love Jenelle Evans nude with Kieffer Delp. Why can't she ever drop that guy like she does her pants?
13. Jenelle Evans Nude Picture
Jenelle Evans nude. Posted by James Duffy on Twitter. Nice, James.
14. Jenelle Evans Nude Baby Bump
Jenelle Evans just posted this nude baby bump pic on the Internet. Because obviously.
15. Jenelle Evans Nude Twitter Background
Jenelle Evans changed her Twitter background to one of her nudes. Always classy.
16. Barbara Evans GIF
A classic Barbara Evans GIF from Teen Mom 2. She lays into Jenelle a lot.
17. Ya High!
Barbara Evans lays the smack down on Jenelle in this awesome Teen Mom 2 GIF.
18. Jenelle and Barbara GIF
Jenelle and Barbara Evans from Teen Mom argue on Teen Mom 2 in an awesome GIF.
19. Jenelle Evans GIF
This really sums up Jenelle Evans in one GIF.
20. Jenelle Evans Smokes Weed
21. Jenelle Evans Tattoo
Jenelle Evans shows off her back tattoo. It's not small. Or non-trashy. Ah, Teen Mom 2 ...
22. Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp Photos
Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp pose for a series of cute photos in happier times. Classy couple.
23. Jenelle Evans Before Boob Job
Jenelle Evans poses in a bikini before getting a boob job. What a cute girl ... is something you might think if you didn't know her.
24. Jenelle Evans' Boob Job
Check out the results of Jenelle Evans' boob job ... according to some talented photoshop artists at least. We're not sure if this pic is authentic ... but then again neither is that rack.
25. Jenelle Evans Gets Plastic Surgery
Jenelle Evans gives the thumbs up to plastic surgery. Hooray, boobs!
26. Jenelle Evans Sings For Gary Head
Jenelle Evans shot this video, dedicating it to "Gary Motherf--king Head" and singing angrily to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus' "Face Down."
27. Jenelle Evans Engagement Video
Jenelle Evans confirms her engagement to Courtland Rogers via UStream. Tell us you didn't see that coming!!
28. Jenelle Evans: Snorting Drugs?
This video purports to show Jenelle Evans snorting Percocet. Is that what you see?
29. Jenelle Evans 'Sings' TIK TOK
Jenelle Evans is a big fan of Ke$ha. Watch her rock out to the singer's "TIK TOK" right here.
The same could be asked of Jeremy Calvert and Leah Messer, whose three kids Ali, Aleeah, and Adalynn are pushing her to the brink while he's away.
She's worried about more than just that, too. Leah is apprehensive about the decision to let Ali be in a wheelchair so early, but sees she's happy.
Corey Simms, her ex, is still concerned that Ali's health will deteriorate if she "gets used" to the wheelchair. He's coping with this better, though.
Leah vents to her mom and friends about Jeremy being away. Jeremy doesn't call and stay in touch while he's at work, and threatens to file for divorce.
Leah is devastated, but refuses to make the same mistake twice.
She says that she's nervous about having a newborn. Mmm. No kidding.
When it's time for Isaac to go visit his dad, Jo Rivera, pregnant Kailyn can't sit in the car for the two hour ride to Jo's house, so Javi takes Isaac solo.
Awkward? No. Jo doesn't seem bothered by Javi. Nor does his family.
Oh, and Kailyn's mom calls. She wants to stay with them for a while, but she doesn't reveal why. Javi asks a bunch of questions Kailyn cannot answer.
After talking to Javi about it, Kailyn calls her mom and tells her that she can come and visit; her mom says she'll stay as long as she's needed.
Kailyn gets emotional, and seems really happy to hear her mom talk about taking a different route this time and trying to make amends for their past.
Finally, Chelsea Houska is served with court papers over Aubree's custody from her ex, Adam Lind. Dad Randy tells Chelsea he is going to get a lawyer.
Later, Chelsea meets up with friend Chelsey and admits that she hates this because she doesn't like not having control in this battle with Adam.
Chelsea and Randy meet with their lawyer and reach an agreement where Aubree goes to Adam's parents' every two weeks, which is when he can visit her.
If the visitation agreement goes smoothly for three months, they may have to go to court to come to a better agreement. Hey, at least he has to prove himself.
Miss an episode? Want another look? Follow the link above to watch Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Episode 11, and scroll through our wildest Teen Mom moments ...
Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley FIGHT on MTV's Teen Mom. It's one for the ages right here.
2. Farrah Abraham Sex Tape
Farrah Abraham, star of the original Teen Mom, went on to star in a porn video called Backdoor Teen Mom, which she tried to pass off as a "leaked" sex tape.
3. Jenelle Evans Beats Up Girl, Gets Arrested
Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans beat the crap out of Brittany Truett a few years ago in one of the more graphic fight videos we've ever seen.
4. Farrah Abraham on Dr. Phil
Farrah Abraham gets put in her place by Dr. Phil. You gotta watch this interview clip.
5. Jenelle Evans Fights Roommate
Jenelle Evans fights her roommate in an epic scene from Teen Mom 2.
6. Kailyn Lowry Fight
Domestic violence is not just for Amber Portwood. Kailyn Lowry gets into a fight with now husband Javi on Teen Mom 2.
7. Teen Mom 2 Commercial: Barbara Raps!
Jenelle's mom Barbara actually sort of raps in this awesome ad for Teen Mom 2.
8. Teen Mom 3 Trailer
There was a Teen Mom 3 for one season. Then it was canceled, but here's a look at some of the drama those girls faced.
9. Teen Mom 2 Trailer: Season 5
Teen Mom 2 Season 5 begins January 21 on MTV. Here's a look at some of what you can expect.
10. Leah Messer's Miscarriage
Leah Messer suffered a miscarriage before getting pregnant again with new husband Jeremy Calvert.
11. Leah Messer-Corey Simms Split
Leah Messer and Corey Simms shockingly broke up after a wedding and two daughters together.
12. Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra (In General)
Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are step-siblings and parents and lovers. That alone is pretty insane, but they make it work.
13. Kieffah
Kieffer Delp romanced Jenelle Evans for a time and contributed to some of her more epic meltdowns.
14. Amber Portwood in Jail
Amber Portwood did time for drug charges. HARD time. She was locked up for about a year and a half.
15. Chelsea Houska Cries
The most shocking thing about Chelsea Houska crying all the time on Teen Mom 2 was that she didn't move on from Adam Lind much sooner.
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