Following a focus on Nathan and Mimsy last week, South Park Season 18 Episode 5 brought Cartman and Butters very much back into the hilarious spotlight on Wednesday evening.
It also expertly combined such current topics as Ferguson, drones and The Fappening.
In other words: classic South Park all around.
The two friends fought this week over the Stotch family drone, which Cartman pressured Butters into using to spy on the neighborhood… especially Craig's mom's very hairy bush, which Cartman described as Yeti-like.
There wasn't any major commentary here on the controversial topic of drones, with the general message being sent that they aren't ideal for spying on people. No d'uh!
South Park may have pushed the boundary in the eyes of some, however, when it replaced Michael Brown (the victim in Ferguson, Missouri) with a black drone.
Clearly, it would be silly to take this show to task for its mockery or sensationalism... this is what makes South Park so beloved in the first place and, you know, freedom of speech and all.
But replacing a shot teenager with a drone isn't really a funny way to tackle this touchy subject. The issue of a lack of creativity, not a sensitivity to this kind of outlandish humor.
Still, overall, while certain elements didn't quite come together here (Stephen Stotch's drone conspiracy among them), this episode centered on Cartman, Butters and Craig's mom's private parts. It also featured some side-splitting South Park quotes.
So, really, who are we to complain? Although Jennifer Lawrence may disagree with Cartman's stance of "Your wiener, my balls, they're all public domain."
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