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The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 5 Recap: One Wrong Turn >>Hollywood

Diposting oleh blog on Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

When does some simple corn maze fun turn into an all-out disaster?

As evidenced by events on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 5... when Ivy gets loose in Mystic Falls, partially eats some guy to death, that guy stumbles in front of Tyler's truck, and Tyler subsequently plows through the Homecoming party.

OUCH! Times, like 79.

Staked Alaric

The corn massacre left many developments in its wake. To wit:

The dude Tyler hit was pretty much a goner. That meant Tyler's werewolf curse would be triggered.

But Liv stepped in and actually suffocated the guy to death, meaning she technically ended his life, doing Tyler a serious solid. He thanked her profusely and said he'd live up to the favor.

Liam showed off his skills, saving many lives due to some serious medical skills, turning Elena on in the process and acting like a "hero" on her eyes. She kissed him as a result.

Jo and Alaric also saved some lives, prompting the former to pour out her feelings to the latter after all was said and done and no one died. But Alaric isn't in a place where he can date, so he compelled her to forget all she felt...

... except she kissed him anyway, seemingly oblivious to the compulsion.

Ivy, meanwhile, ended up getting apprehended by Tripp, with Caroline looking on. Uh-oh!

Finally, in 1994: Bonnie realized that Kai needed her alive because the spell that locked him on May 10 was a Bennett spell. So only a Bennett witch could do it. Bonnie killed Kai when she realized they didn't need him...

... except he came back to life because of the curse/spell. He's destined to relive May 10,1994 over and over and over again.

As he fought with Bonnie and Damon, Bonnie tossed Damon the Ascendent and said some magic words and sent him back to present day Mystic Falls. (Killing herself in the process?)

We ended the hour with Stefan and Damon reuniting via a tear-filled hug that left our living room very, very, very dusty.

What did everyone else think of the episode? Are you glad Damon is back in Mystic Falls? Do you think we've seen the last of Bonnie? And what are your thoughts on Bonnie?

Go watch The Vampire Diaries online via TV Fanatic to relive the install ment and check out the promo here for The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 6:

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