Farrah Abraham continues to out-dumb herself. We didn't think such a feat was even possible at this stage, but you know, our girl makes it happen.
In an interview, the Teen Mom star turned porn star was asked by a UK publication what she considers the craziest rumor she's ever heard about herself.
Her response will make your head spin more than the fact that someone just got Jenelle Evans pregnant for the second time. Drum roll please ...
"I think the most unbelievable rumor that has ever been said about me, and is still said, is that I'm a porn star when I'm not. It is a pet-peeve, but I just don't listen to it."
"I think it's outlandish that people think that of me."
Yes, the star of this year's wildly successful and indisputably hardcore Farrah Abraham porn movie - titled Backdoor Teen Mom, FYI - just can't fathom it.
It's an "unbelievable rumor" that she's a porn star.
In a display of intelligence that makes her Christmas Keek video look like PHD material, she doesn't realize that a star of a porn movie is what a porn star is.
Which she did. And is. Whatever. More excerpts ...
On hobbies: "I like to be alone and sleep!"
On pet peeves: "If people are unprofessional with myself, or if others try to be celebrity-cool all of the time. I like to have authentic, honest and professional people around me."
On her fans: "A lot of the things I do like to talk about with my fans and the way we all relate to each other is if we can help out with their foundations or charities."
"A lot of my fans may have cancer, or a lot of struggling issues all over the world - and I try to keep in touch with that, and it's hard, but I really work on it with my fans."
That's nice, we think. It's not really
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